Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Nursery is available for infants through age four.
Please make sure that you bring any items that your child might need or want during their stay in the nursery: Bottles, special snacks, diapers, wipes, comfort items, etc.
Please make sure that you bring any items that your child might need or want during their stay in the nursery: Bottles, special snacks, diapers, wipes, comfort items, etc.

GCOG Nursery & Ilness Guidelines
If your child is experiencing an of the sysmptoms listed below, they will not be allowed admittance to the nursery area. If they begin to experience the onset of an illness while in the nursery, you will be immediately notified and asked to remove them at that time.
- Fever over 99.9° Fahrenheit - Your child can return to the nursery after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication.
- Diarrhea, loose or bloody stool - One or more times within the last 24 hours.
- Vomiting – One or more times within the last 24 hours.
- Coughing that disrupts normal activity, wheezing or shortness of breath.
- Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or recent injury.
- Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
- An unidentified rash anywhere on their body.
- Open wounds or sores that hove not been treated and covered.
Nursery Times
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings